Me, again.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Hey folks! It’s been a minute since I’ve had the opportunity to sit down and update this space. Blame it on the usual litany of adult responsibilities; our third baby, a global pandemic, home schooling and trying to run multiple businesses.. you know how it is!
I’m still here. Mom of 3, business owner of 2, wife, daughter, friend and mentor. Trying to juggle all of this like everyone else, and not always getting it right.


It feels as though there’s been a glitch in the matrix. Somewhere along the way, the days have moved like molasses, and yet we’ve blinked and skipped nearly a year of togetherness.
Celebrating the big things.
The little things.
Rescheduling our plans.
Modifying our dreams.
Figuring out how to make it all work when the entire world is upside down.


I don’t know what the year ahead of us is going to look like. I have special dates in my calendar, and am crossing my fingers (and toes) that we’ll be able to move ahead with the handful of weddings I have lined up this year. I will have space for a few outdoor sessions per month this summer and fall, with priority being given to my existing annual clients and gift certificate holders.


As it stands, my existing wedding clients have exclusive priority for my 2021 and 2022 wedding availability, as they have already had to make so many difficult decisions in light of our new reality.

That being said, please feel free to reach out if you are in the midst of preparing your wedding! Even if I am unavailable, I am  happy to point you in the direction of some incredible industry friends who may be able to help you out.


I’m scheduling a bit less – both lifestyle and weddings – because my family has needed more of my time and attention than ever before. I’ve so missed all my usual clients and friends the past year, and am eager for things to feel normal again; but until then, I am beyond grateful for the seemingly endless supply of patience and understanding from everyone in my life while I try to balance all of this out.


Thanks for stopping by, folks. I am filled with hope (and a lot of coffee) as we await whatever comes next in these “unprecedented times.” Take care of yourselves and each other. I miss you.

N xo

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